Approved isolation amplifier for physiological measurements
ISOLAMP is a flexible and certified isolation unit which allows to measure physiological signals
safely with standard data acquisition hardware from National Instruments.
For low signals like muscle activity (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and pressure there are small
preamplifiers available, which are plugged into the isolated side. Other signals like ground reaction
force etc. can be included directly over connectors at the rear side or through an multipurpose extension
box. Custom built sensors can easily be connected and can be powered through the provided
isolated power source.
ISOLAMP can be connected directly to data acquisition devices like the NI USB-6251 over the provided
68-pin cable. ISOLAMP is compliant with EN 60601-1 (medical device component) and provides
a high level of safety.
Isolamp References
- Elektromyographische Evaluierung des Kipptisch-Stepper-Systems -ERIGO -an Gesunden und chronisch rückenmarksverletzten Patienten
- Felix Taut
- Dissertation, Jena, doctor medicinae (Dr. Med.)